YouTube Summarizer

Summarize any YouTube video by simply pasting its URL. Get concise and accurate summaries in seconds.
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Summarize YouTube videos in 3 steps
Paste YouTube URL
Copy the URL of the YouTube video you want to summarize and paste it into the input field.
Click Summarize
Hit the 'Summarize' button to let our AI process the video content.
Get Summary
Receive a concise and accurate summary of the YouTube video in seconds.

Why Choose Thunderbit YouTube Summarizer?


Quickly get the gist of long YouTube videos without watching the entire content.

High Accuracy

Our AI ensures that the summaries are accurate and capture the key points of the video.


Simply paste the URL and click a button. No complicated steps or technical knowledge required.

Supports Multiple Languages

Our tool can summarize videos in various languages, making it accessible to a global audience.

Free Tier Available

Enjoy our YouTube Summarizer with a free tier that requires no credit card.


Leverage the power of AI to get quick and reliable summaries of YouTube videos.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is YouTube Summarizer by Thunderbit?
How accurate are the summaries?
Is Thunderbit YouTube Summarizer free?
Can I summarize videos in languages other than English?
Do I need to download any software?
How long does it take to get a summary?
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